Privacy statement

Squiby Foods - privacy statement

Squiby Foods uses personal information from clients, prospects, suppliers and other persons to service our clients and achieve our goals. In this Privacy Statement we explain why and how we use and process personal information.

the protection of your personal information is important to us.

This document (“Privacy Statement”) describes how we collect, use and protect the personal information of all persons who may have to deal with us. Please read this Privacy Statement carefully. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at the address mentioned at the end of this document.

what is “personal information”?

The personal information that we are concerned with in this Privacy Statement is the private information of individuals such as an individual’s name, title, company name, business address, business telephone, fax, cellular phone numbers or email adress.

why do we collect your personal information?

Squiby Foods uses personal information to contact you with respect to business opportunities and/or questions, to furnish you, now and in the future, with information by way of personalised communication or regular newsletters.

Unless permitted by law, your personal information will not be used for a purpose other than the purposes mentioned above (“the Identified Purposes”) without obtaining additional consent from you.

how do we collect your personal information?

The sources that we may use for gathering personal information are the following:

  • Your business card;
  • Information that you have left behind on our website;
  • Information that we received from you personally, via your company or the information which is available on the internet.

who will we disclose your personal information to?

Squiby Foods will not disclose personal information to external organisations, unless required by law.

your consent

We will accept any of the following as your consent to our current use and future collection, use and disclosure of your personal information for the Identified Purposes:

  • The notification to you of this Privacy Statement, unless you advise us that you do not agree with it and that you wish to opt out of all or specified parts of it;
  • The provision of personal information to us either directly or through your company;
  • Your written or oral consent as obtained through an application process, survey or similar form of interaction with us including any previous consent that you may have given us.

withdrawing your consent

You may withdraw your consent at any time upon reasonable notice to us. Withdrawal of your consent is however subject to legal or contractual restrictions. If the withdrawal of your consent would frustrate the performance of a legal obligation, your consent may not be withdrawn unless we have also agreed to it in writing. You should also note that withdrawing your consent may affect our ability to continue to provide you with our services.

To withdraw your consent you should contact us at the contact address or telephone number listed below.

rights of persons involved

Under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or AVG (Algemene Verordeing Gegevensbescherming) everyone has a number of rights. Squiby Foods does its utmost to meet this as well as possible.

To use your rights you can contact us via or (+31) 23-5670820.

  • Information and inspection: Of course you can see which personal data we process from you;
  • Rectification: Please let us know if the information that we have from you is incorrect;
  • Oblivion: On request, personal data can be deleted. It may be that for other purposes (administration or deduplication, for example) we still have to process these data;
  • Restriction: If you feel that we are processing your personal data unlawfully or incorrectly, then you can also have that processing limited;
  • Objection: you can file an objection for the processing of your personal data.
  • Transferability: The right to transfer your personal data is a new right under the GDPR. If you want to use this, please contact us.

In addition, you can also:

  • Revoke permission: for example, to receive e-mailings. If you wish to withdraw permission for another processing, you can contact us;
  • Submit a complaint to the AP (Autoriteit persoonsgegevens): Do you think we do not act in accordance with the privacy legislation? Then please inform us. If you are of the opinion that Squiby Foods does not follow up your complaint, you can also submit a complaint about this to the AP (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).

how long do we keep your personal information?

We do not store personal data longer than necessary or needed by law.

how do we protect your personal information?

Personal information is stored by us in secure areas using physical measures such as filing cabinets that are secured after hours, alarm systems and, in the case of electronic data, in databases that are password protected.

accessing your personal information

You have the right to access the personal information that we have in our custody or under our control. Access may be subject to legal restrictions and in particular we may be obliged or have the right to refuse your request if:

  • The information is protected by litigation privilege or has been generated in the course of a formal dispute resolution process;
  • Access would reveal confidential or proprietary commercial information;
  • Access might result in a lawful refusal by another party to provide similar information to us in the future;
  • The information was collected for purposes relating to an investigation, contractual dispute or legal proceedings (actual or contemplated);
  • Disclosure could reasonably be expected to threaten the life or security of another person or the individual requesting the information;
  • Disclosure would reveal personal information about another person;
  • The information would reveal the identity of a person who has provided an opinion about another person and the former person has not consented to the disclosure of his or her identity;
  • The requested information is too costly to produce; or
  • Disclosure is otherwise protected or prevented by law.

applying for access

Requests for access to personal information should be made in writing at the address set out below. The request should contain sufficient information to enable us to identify you and should specify the particular information that is being sought. We will try to respond to your request as soon as possible but may require you to provide additional information as to your identity, right to receive the requested information or greater particularity as to the information sought.

data leak

If a data leak has occurred, you can report this to As the law requires, a data leak that could have serious consequences will be reported to the AP (Autoriteit persoonsgegevens) and to the persons whose personal data are involved in the data breach.

accuracy and limitations on our responsibility

From time to time we may update the personal information that we have on file for you. Please advise us of any relevant changes to, or errors in, your personal information. Squiby Foods has no responsibility for any personal information that is inaccurate. In addition, although we take reasonable steps to protect your personal information, we are not responsible for any improper use of your personal information that is beyond our reasonable control.

please tell us if you have a complaint

If you have a complaint relating to this Privacy Statement or any of our procedures please contact us. If your complaint is justified we will take reasonable steps to resolve the issue including amending our Privacy Statement or procedures. If for some reason we are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction you may have the right to contact Squiby Foods by telephone at (+31) 23 567 0820 or by email at

contacting us

For more information about our Privacy Statement, to file a complaint, to make an enquiry or to opt out of all or parts of the Privacy Statement, please contact us at:

Squiby Foods BV
J.C. Beetslaan 153
2131 AL  Hoofddorp
The Netherlands
(+31) 23 567 0820

Privacy version 1.1 (September 2023). We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Statement at any time. The updated Privacy Statement will be posted on our website and amendments will take effect from the date of such posting.